
Welcome to our highly specialised Gastroenterology

Department Introduction



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Stomach colon rectum diagram-en.svg
Illustration of the stomach, colon and rectum.
Significant diseasesGastrointestinal cancersGastrointestinal bleedingLiver cirrhosisGallstonesGastroenteritisInflammatory bowel disease
Significant testsColonoscopyStool testBarium swallowsEndoscopy
GlossaryGlossary of medicine

Gastroenterology[1] is the branch of medicine focused on the digestive system and its disorders.

Diseases affecting the gastrointestinal tract, which include the organs from mouth into anus, along the alimentary canal, are the focus of this speciality. Physicians practicing in this field are called gastroenterologists. They have usually completed about eight years of pre-medical and medical education, a year-long internship (if this is not a part of the residency), three years of an internal medicine residency, and two to three years in the gastroenterology fellowship. Gastroenterologists perform a number of diagnostic and therapeutic procedures including colonoscopy, endoscopy, endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP), endoscopic ultrasound and liver biopsy. Some gastroenterology trainees will complete a "fourth-year" (although this is often their seventh year of graduate medical education) in transplant hepatology, advanced endoscopyinflammatory bowel disease, motility or other topics.

Hepatology, or hepatobiliary medicine, encompasses the study of the liverpancreas, and biliary tree, while proctology encompasses the fields of anus and rectum diseases. They are traditionally considered sub-specialties of gastroenterology.

our Doctors list

Dr.Abdullah Al Shah Newaz

Gastroenterology (প্রতি শুক্রবার এবং মঙ্গলবার) (সকাল ৯ টা – রাত ৮ টা এবং বিকাল ৪ টা – রাত ৮ টা)